"Project Mazarron" continues ... Cora's difficult journey
Friday, May 25, 2012 @ 10:23 PM
I posted a video here that Galgos del Sol made about this unbelievably upsetting place in Mazarron near Murcia, Costa Blanca. Podencos & galgos are being kept in atrocious conditions, sometimes in dark holes, no love whatsoever & no regular food/water.
Galgos del Sol, Andrea Animal Rescue & The Henrietta Foundation have worked together to rescue many more lately including a galga they named Cora who was pregnant & due within two weeks.
Tina & a friend who was in Spain on holiday, Louise, acted as midwives to Cora but Cora went downhill after having delivered three so Tina drove Cora, her pups & Louise to the vets. Whilst she drove Tina managed (I have no idea how) to get photos of Louise looking after another birth. The sac needed breaking or the pup would've died straight away & Cora was exhausted.
The story is told in this beautifully made video by Tina. Sadly though all Cora's pups died. RIP little pups.
Cora is getting stronger but she's sad. She went through such a trauma & lost all 11 pups.
Please donate so Tina President of Galgos del Sol can continue the wonderful work she (& others who help/support her) do.
Click on the photo below for details from their website, thank you.

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