PLEASE sponsor a tin of food for a puppy - plea from the heart!
Saturday, May 26, 2012 @ 8:45 PM

Cara's pups are now on big food. What with Vera's pups still here and munching for Spain and now this 8 the pups are getting through it FAST!
If anyone would like to buy the pups a tin of food it's 2.90€ a tin - Royal Canin and yes its an expensive tin but these pups didn't get a good start in mums tummys so the vet advises the best to avoid diarrhea etc.
You can paypal 2.90€ to and tell us which pup you are buying this tin for. Penny, Mandy, Mary, Angel, Andy, Wesley, Toni, or Elena!
If you would like to sponsor a 2.90 tin of pup royal canin food for Marlon, Flora or Zuess please PP 2.90 euros. Although all reserved they can't travel yet which means we continue to support them with kenneling and food. Please consider sponsoring one! Thank you!
Below are Cara's pups.
MANDY- reserved
MARY - reserved
PENNY - house check being done
WESLEY - reserved
These pups are Vera's.
FLORA -reserved
ZUESS & FLORA - reserved

MARLON - reserved

Click on logo below to see the Galgos del Sol website to read about the work they do, PLEASE.

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