Little galga, Toni, is in hospital today having a minor operation.
Thursday, June 21, 2012 @ 4:37 PM
To read about little Toni, who has now been reserved but has to stay with Galgos del Sol till she's old enough to have her rabies vaccination >>> 
Poor little Toni has to have an operation today to drain her elbow fluid. She must have knocked it recently and caused this. She will have to have a drain in it for a week or so and she will need to be inside a home, not the Galgos del Sol refuge. Any local foster homes (Murcia) please let Tina on know..... GdS seems to have had many unexpected bills recently so IF you can donate that would be so appreciated.

Angel, on the other hand, doesn't care about his sister Toni needing an op and just wants to get up on the sofa. 

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