Great news: There are new billboards to be erected shortly.
Monday, September 17, 2012 @ 11:56 PM
This particular one, which has been sponsored & designed by DUTCHGALGOLOBBY from Holland who work on political matters for galgos here in Spain, will go up at the entrance to Ikea in Murcia.

Their webpage, and more information on their work, is here

Organisations led by Galgos del Sol, are campaigning for more billboards to be designed & sponsored & erected in prime areas. They have another two going up ... working alongside GdS supporters & associations such as Ibizan Hounds Rescue, SOS Galgos Barcelona, A.D.A.M in Pilar de Horadada & many more.

Sadly this is not inexpensive so they need help & we know there are good kind people who do help them a lot so GdS are appealing for funding.
They need monthly sponsors at 110€ per month to rent a billboard space. Please contact Tina (President) on for more details.

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