The Podenco board is up. Great team work!
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @ 10:39 PM
Tina of Galgos del Sol says "DOING IT FOR THE PODDY'S!!!!! This billboard of Manolo is finally up in Murcia City where the traffic is heavy. (Miguel Indurain by the Dolores crossover). Manolo is now living in the USA.

SPONSORS ARE: Galgos del Sol, Ibizan Hounds Rescue (LORCA) , A.D.A.M ((Ayuda y Defensa de Animales Maltratados, Vicky Peña Loredo in Pilar de Horadada) , SOS GALGOS (Bracelona) , HurttaHelppi Ry (FINLAND) , Debbie Hurst Harvey , Jackie Harrison-Knapp , Eileen Locatelli , Clare Roberts , Julie Jones , Mandy Simpson, Natalie Blakeman and Sarah Monk . Photographer Diane Huges (Ibizan Hounds Rescue) of our very own Manolo now in the USA.
Isn't it fantastic? Look what we can do when a good team comes together, we are so happy, it looks better in real life!
We are not stopping there.... many more to come."
To have a billboard erected GdS have to pay around 110€ a month depending on the size of the board & the location & they rely on sponsorship. Would anyone reading this help please, maybe a company??
Email to learn more how you can help.

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