STOLEN. The second galgo billboard (funded by GalgoDutchLobby) is down and gone!
Friday, October 26, 2012 @ 2:50 PM
I wrote about this new billboard that was about to be erected by IKEA, Murcia here >> 
STOLEN. The second galgo billboard (this one by GalgoDutchLobby) that was only erected on 2nd October, is down and gone! The publicity company will replace free of charge for DutchGalgoLobby but we may look for a new location, a location close to where Galgos del Sol can supervise more often..... Looks like feathers are being ruffled again!

It says "Spanish greyhound, dog to love"
If you'd like to join the GdS billboard campaign here's the link on Facebook.
Join Galgos del Sol Facebook >> 

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