Lluvia & her four remaining puppies, another rescue story for Galgos del Sol, Murcia
Friday, October 26, 2012 @ 3:40 PM
Yesterday (Thursday 25th October) Galgos del Sol took on this little family in celebration of all the support with the recent online auction. The first rescue with this money!
Picked up off the street and put in a perrera, already 4 puppies have died. Let's hope GdS can save the rest.
Big thanks to Sylvie for doing the transport... they have called the mum LLUVIA & her pups are now named Luna (Moon), Sol (Sun), Tormenta (Storm) & Rayo (Lightning).

Below: Safe at last

Below: Little TORMENTA (Storm)
Below: Puppy LUNA (moon)
Below: Puppy RAYO (Lightning)
Below: Puppy SOL (Sun)

Any donations please Paypal to galgosdelsol@hotmail.com

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