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Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality!

There is an ABSOLUTE NEED to highlight the plight of galgos (greyhounds) in Spain. This blog is to help the refuge, Galgos Del Sol in Murcia, Costa Blanca.

Galgo Gala EMERALD ISLE, Orihuela Costa Friday, 23 November 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 @ 3:35 PM

Friday, 23rd November. 7.30pm till 11.30pm

A fundraiser for Galgos del Sol organised by Zoe Moran. 10€ per ticket, this includes a meal.  

MENU - Beef and ale pie and chips or chicken curry and chips
Veges - Mushroom stroganoff and spagetti or vegetarian stir fry with chips or rice.
Come along, chillax, eat some nice food, raise some money for the galgos and go home drunk as a skunk!

C/Marte Nº2 Urb. La Florida, Orihuela Costa, 03189 Alicante, Spain

If anybody wants tickets you can buy them from The Emerald Isle, La Florida, Orihuela Costa. PLEASE don't wait until the night as we need to know what people are having to eat.

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