UPDATE: Lluvia's pups .. Luna (Moon), Sol (Sun), Tormenta (Storm) & Rayo (Lightning)
Monday, November 12, 2012 @ 3:33 PM
To read about these tiny puppies & their mum, please >> 

Below: A video of when Lluvia & her pups were rescued, that wasn't in my previous post
Below: Latest video of pups, so cute
Tina needs newspapers & puppy pads. There are more puppies arriving with their mum too.
Anyone in the Murcia area please contact Tina on galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
You can send puppy pads (& doggy treats
) direct to
The Post Room
Galgos del Sol, Box 20
Centro Comercial Balneario
C/Rio Borines 68-18
30710 Los Alcazaras
Murcia, Spain
You can donate to Galgos del Sol by clicking here for details.
Thanks so much for helping GdS.

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