This is amazing....
people from all over are donating towards having billboards erected not solely in the Murcia area but other areas too, thanks to groups of people coming together to fund this, charities & individuals. Hopefully - in the not too distant future - billboards asking people to cherish not discard or abuse dogs will be in many areas.
We still need donations as this is an ongoing project & we have just started...
Once the designs have been sorted & have been made there are monthly costs to keep the billboards erected. GdS has had land donated so we can put billboards on that too.
Who would have thought this would have taken off so well, thanks to all who donate towards this. It is exciting!
Kindly use Paypal, there's a reference box so write BILLBOARDS in there please.
There are other ways to donate, please see the website page where there's the Paypal button.
Looks like this >> 
Any further details please contact
A supporter from Australia posted this on the Galgos del Sol Facebook wall
Have just sent Tina a donation for the billboard campaign. So happy to do this. And this is how I did it ........I calculated all the money I would spend on Xmas presents and sent it to GdS. Then organised cards to send to my friends explaining that their gift from me this year is a donation to GdS, and included some background info on GdS and their mission. Not many people here in Australia know about what happens to the galgos.
In the cards I asked that my friends donate to GdS, or a grey rescue group here in Oz, rather than giving me a Xmas gift. I included a photo of Lucy and Tilly the retired racers I adopted this year, on the front of the card and that's it! All done.
If you think this is a good idea, give it a go. My friends love it - I have done it before with other dog groups here in Oz. Most of us don't need any more "things" anyway, except the littlies of course. But even the teenagers love it. And as an added bonus, I have now finished my Xmas "shopping" all in one day. The galgos need care and support and people need to be educated. This is a good Xmas present to give.

Here are some billboards that GdS have already done or have in mind.