So just in time for xmas here we have the 5th billboard up, we, together need to be their voice, we hope you like what you see, it has taken A LOT of teamwork to get this one up.
This billboard has been bought outright and put up in the town of Pilar de Horadada right at the top of the busy highstreet C/Mayor. This town has seen a problem with dog abandonment hence why we chose this location. However there are still many more locations to hit hard yet.
Special thanks to Grati and his family for allowing us to use their land to put up this board and huge thanks to the photographer Paul Croes in Belgium for giving us permission to use his photo. You can see his work here
So who are the wonderful generous owners of this board??? Here we go, In no particular order of ownership; Grati and family (Pilar de Horadada), Richard Fredrickson Sr (USA), Galgos del Sol (Murcia), A.D.A.M (Ayuda y Defensa de Animales Maltratados), Vicky Peña Loredo (Pilar de Horadada), Bob Shepherd (UK), Tine Rosenjkaer & Grethe Marup (Denmark), Susan and Ann (Denmark) (, Stiching Greyhound Rescue (HOLLAND), Sharon Cogner (USA), Joy Sandford (Australia), Celia Castejon (Pilar de Horadada), ARTURO - CLINICA VETERINARIA DEL SURESTE (Pilar de Horadada).
We have come together from all around the world to try and make a change bit by bit for the animals here in Spain. A special thanks to Vicky at ADAM in Pilar who has helped with organisation of this board. Watch this space as we ain't stopping here!!!!!
Merry Christmas everyone and well done to all those involved in getting this board up!! M3 publicidad have helped us in this cause and we appreciate their support also in giving us the best possible prices to achieve this.
If you would like to see more on this board or others you can join our campaign here

BELOW: To show you just HOW MASSIVE this billboard is here's the finishing touches happening.