The week after the AGM- 16 June 08
Sunday, June 22, 2008 @ 12:10 PM
Well what a busy few days we have all had, The AGM was attended by about 20 owners and for a change the AGM was all about good news for the community.
Debtors were down, gardens looked great, buildings were painted, maintenance was all in hand, legals were all being progressed, budgets were agreed with no fuss and a new President and committee were elected.
Derek may our retiring President got a round of applause and thanked by everyone in the room for his hard work over the past 3 years and he was leaving Jeremy Watkinson with a community in the best shape it had been in since the development started.
The committee of Dave Lines, Joke Beemster, Ivett Hart, Brian King and Ian Cook all have specific tasks to do to assist the President over the forth coming year .......i do the communicating bit if you hadnt gathered!
Lazara will be distributing the AGM minutes to everyone soon and also jeremy will be sending out a letter to introduce himself and to share his 3 year plan for the community...believe me its going to make GGM a great place to live for both residents and guests, especially if we can offer an all year swimming facility.
Jeremy has already circulated to his team a spreadsheet of immediate things we need to take action on after the AGM and i know that people are already progressing these.
We had some good news from the Grande community the day after the AGM and hopefully Jeremy or Joke will communicate that later this week for you
The community Lawyer also confirmed on Friday that another one of our serious debtors had cleared their outstanding community fees including all the interest and legal charges so that means we now have roughly only 12K outstanding which from m55K this time last year is a fantastic result fo a years hard work and persistance not only by the committee that have been chasing it up every week, the name and shame sheets in the stairwells and the sheer effort of Alison at the Intercala office who never gave up.
Dissapointingly we were also informed that the old lawyer employed by Salcosa to chase the benalflat monies had successfully got money through the courts, but we have been chasing this for 2 years to have it paid into our community account. Our new layer threatened legal action against the other lawyer and we now have confirmation that this money should hit our account this for the bad news which we are all confused about its only 580 euros yes thats correct 580 euros - where this figure has come from we dont know as its only about one quarters fees and they were at least 2 years behind when we agreed to go legal, so until we get to the bottom of this it looks like a monumental cock-up!
Anyway end of part one of the GGM blog, i'm off to start thinking about the next Community Newsletter.