Cristina Garcia Del Campo in Javea, Spain, is a teacher/medical interpreter who attends medical appointments (with English people mainly) & it came to Cristina's attention recently that Nolotil/Metamizol, a strong painkiller was toxic to many British & Irish descendants, causing issues with their white blood cells, often leading to sepsis & sometimes death.
Working alone Cristina has tirelessly strived to help stop these drugs being used/prescribed in Spain, they are banned in the UK & many countries. Well over 100,000 people have been reached so far and warned about the terrible effects of NOLOTIL/METAMIZOL on the British and Irish and many, many lives have been saved.
On a personal note: At the end of April I was in the Costa Blanca, Spain & contracted Shingles. As well as an antiviral drug I was prescribed Metamizol for pain relief by a Dr. at Guardamar Medical Centre. I had heard about Nolotil but not Metamizol (though I now understand it is the same). I decided not to take the drug then I started reading about Cristina's sole efforts to get the drug banned because of everything she had found out.

The full article can be read here: https://www.pressreader.com/spain/costa-blanca-news-south-edition/20180713/281535111759528
Follow Cristina Drug Research on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Cristina-Research-Information-1150111111797207/?ref=br_rs
From Cristina, posted on her Facebook page 13/7/18
Gracias a todos aquellos que me habéis hecho llegar vuestros casos durante estos meses. El pasado viernes 6 de julio me reuní con la AEMPS en Madrid y, tras presentarles mi carpeta repleta de casos acompañados de informes médicos y fotos de personas afectadas, han decidido dejar de recetar Metamizol a las poblaciones afectadas. A lo largo de esta semana han tenido conversaciones con el Hospital de Denia y esta mañana se han reunido los jefes de la AEMPS para decidir cómo y cuándo hacer efectiva dicha decisión.
Thank you to all those who made me get your cases over these months. Last Friday 6 July I met with the AEMPS in Madrid and, after presenting my folder full of cases accompanied by medical reports and photos of affected people, have decided to stop prescribing metamizole to affected populations. During this week they have had talks with the hospital in Denia and this morning the heads of the AEMPS have been gathered to decide how and when to make that decision effective.
You can listen to Cristina's interview on 26th July 2018 on Talk Radio Europe:
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: If you or your family or friends have suffered by taking the drug & didn't know about this problem please contact Cristina on email
She will send you a form which she would appreciate you filling in.

Below: Article in The Sunday Times 5/8/2018