Oranges - another anti-inflammatory food, and they also boost my immune system!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014 @ 6:02 PM
As I'm typing this, I'm looking out over the orange groves, heavy with fruit, and I'm thanking whatever or whoever brought me to this place, because I love oranges, and they are truly healthy. We all know that oranges are full of vitamin C, and that's important to everyone, but to someone with an auto-immune system disease such as Lupus, vitamin C is crucial. It boosts the immune system, and guards against infection. This is important for me, because a simple cold can turn into a chest infection with depressing ease.
Antibiotics might clear the infection, but I'm left with inflammation on the lungs, which can take weeks to settle down. I start each day with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice, made from two large locally grown Valencian oranges. This way, I'm doing my best to stay naturally healthy - especially since recent research has shown that getting vitamin C from its food source is much more effective than taking supplements.
Getting to the science bit, the flavenoid herperidin, which is found in the skin and pith of oranges, can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Personally, I'm not a fan of orange skin and pith, but I do make a food processor marmalade that uses the whole orange, so I get the full health benefits from my oranges. The recipe is here if you want to give it a go.
If you want a quick pick up for tired skin, juice some oranges and freeze them in ice cube trays. Then just rub a cube of frozen orange juice over your skin to close the pores and tone your skin. And you can make an excellent conditioner for your hair by mixing the juice of an orange with an equal amount of water and a spoonful of honey. Apply to clean hair and leave for 5 - 10 minutes before rinsing out. This conditioner also stimulates hair growth.
As you can see, you don't need to spend a fortune to keep your body and your skin healthy. Nature has everything you need!