So, I now know I live in 'Una aldea a orillas del mar!'
Saturday, August 2, 2008 @ 3:55 PM
Well, spanish lesson numero uno went much better than I expected. Having studied (and passed) 'O' level spanish in 1974 and not used the language since, I had been brushing up on words by using the Spanish training program on my Nintendo DS, bashing gophers on the head that happened to hold plaque with the correct word and doing word searches in spanish.
But, since living here it has been apparent how little I could put together to form a sentence and I anticipated serious problems getting back into reading and constructing full sentences. But, having sat down with my book - Present Day Spanish - Volume 1, the chosen book of my tutor, well - I was pleasantly surprised...........
Read more on my main blog at
Oh, and 'una aldea a orillas del mar? - a village by the sea.