Everyone who visits gets the obligatory TTT (Ten Minute Tour of Terreros) and these is our recent guests Jaqui, Jess & Ruby up by the castle. We had a couple of really nice days where the sun came out, the clouds went and they could get a chance to really feel as if they were on holiday in Spain.
The views from the castle (notice we even managed to get the Analucian flag to fly for us)make it a must part of the trip, along with the trip down to the beaches at La Carolina on the Murcia/Almeria border.
The coves at La Carolina are really lovely, (see Brinkley's blog today for some photos from there) and when we got there last week there seemed to be some film shoot for an advert going on. There was a desk on the beach with a man sat at it with a laptop and a vase of flowers for artistic presentation. A large sound boom was overhead and a few camera men. We made the assumption that they were shooting an advert for wireless internet!?
Anway, also included in the TTT is a walk along the promenade to Mar Serena for a spot of lunch and a walk through the older part of the town down to all the small bays along the coast.
Another of our sight-seeing trips is down the coastal road to Villaricos,
lunch at El Mar La Mar and the on through Garrucha and onto Mojacar Playa. Whilst the scenery is spectacular and the meal excellent, I think the lasting memory from this trip was
the artistic sink in the ladies at El Mar La Mar!
I bet not many of you have sinks like this at home - thank goodness I can hear you all shouting!
Anyway, the pups have loved having Ruby here, she has played with them so much that now she has gone home, they have slept for 2 days.
Lovely to see you and I'm glad the sun came out for a few days. But, it's always Soooo nice to get back to our normal routine.