The three most important values of Wellington were: foresight, zeal and courage. He was a staunch supporter, was his role model; Agelisao, king of Sparta, which he copied, which imitated. It was like him, well versed in every stratagem of war and cheated on his enemies, without ever discovering their true these purposes. He knew also distort reality to his soldiers. Projects are easily forged and implementation "? Wellington spot on both, theory and practice. In Spain broke up the legions of the invincible French with ease. Never shook, shook or struck. I never saw Vimierio fluctuate (the defeat of the French was in the battle of Vimieiro, on 21 August 1808 to cause the result was signed between the French and English the Convention of Cintra). I never saw him back in Arroyomolinos (October 28, 1811). I never saw fear in Talavera (took place near Talavera de la Reina (Toledo, Spain) on July 28, 1809). In Arapiles (the Battle of Salamanca British historiography known as the Battle of Salamanca is one in the duels most important Spanish War of Independence and was redeemed in the vicinity of the hills and Arapiles Arapiles Chico Grande in the municipality of Arapiles, south of the city Salamanca, 22 July 1812), or Albuera (on May 16, 1811 was fought around the village of Albuera one of the closest battles in open field). Never in the Espinal, in store in White or Frexedal Castello.
The military power of prophecy is what most distinguished our duke said: "Badajoz surrender at two in the morning." The French governor of the General Armand Philippon square, had also said arrogantly "There are English or Spanish, those who defend this place." (Between 16 March and 6 April 1812, the city was besieged Badajoz by the Anglo-Portuguese army under the command of Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington, the site was one of the bloodiest of the Napoleonic Wars.
Thirteen months before the general had begun to fortify it. With cunning and tenacity made to surround with a ditch around the wall with battlements and bastions, the mission of these structures was the passive defense and protecting the inhabitants of the square of the assailants or counter guarantees some protection, they had put the same traps near the pit so placing bombs, these helmets, helmets of wood, axles of carriages so that when the British raided, fall to less momentum in these traps. The main strength of the French were the defenses of the gaps by ditches, wells and frieze and briers horses that made the place impregnable. The pond water in the moat was another obstacle that would overcome the attackers. Yet despite so many entrenchments of ravelins, moats, walls and bayonets, the city was taken by assault at one thirty in the morning.
What ancient or modern conqueror, who has known warrior ever see the precise time of the conquest of a place? Of a square also strengthened by the art of war and fiercely defended by a ferocious and desperate enemy.
It was a great master of Brigadier Victor Fané (Sixth Brigade) and Robert Long, generals Posomby and Hill (the very popular "Papa") and Colonel Grant and Major O'Callagan Gardiner. Is the great general who fights and overcomes great generals. Filled with shame Junot (defeated in Vimeiro, signed the Convention of Sintra, Portugal with which the British left), was the one who ruined Massena, one of Napoleon's most competent officers in Santana, who destroyed Marmont ( Viesse Auguste Frédéric Louis, Duke of Ragusa) in the Arapiles, which humbled Aal Count Jean Baptiste Jourdan at Vitoria. That General! Junot, Marmont Massena and Jourdan famous for the Battle of Marengo (took place near the city of Alessandria, in Piedmont, north east of Italy on 14 June 1800, concluded with a French victory and the withdrawal of Austrian troops Most of the Italian territory) and The Battle of Austerlitz (also known as the Battle of Three Emperors, took place on December 2, 1805, near the city of Brno in the present Czech Republic was one of the major battles of the Napoleonic Wars and is the greatest military triumph of Napoleon), famous for Vsitula and Odder and winners in the defiles of Franconia (Bavaria, Germany) and Eymar.
Wellington gave freedom in Sintra Portugal, in Arapiles shook off embarrassing the capital of Castile and Vitoria Spain crowned with the laurel of independence
Written by Jesús Castro
Translated by Rachael Harrison
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