By Joe King
Christians the world over are waiting for Christ’s second coming, ie that the Son of God will one day return to Earth.
Well, I have to inform you that the “Second coming” just happened - on Saturday.
[Image of the Second Coming by Word on Fire]
For some reason Christ changed his name to Rafael and this miracle worker helped me sort out a major problem.
Rita and I had been without running water for several days. No water in the taps, no central heating, no flushing loos.
Why not?
Where we live in the “campo”, ie the “Andalucian outback”, there is no municipal water supply. The 50 or so houses in our pedania all have wells, including our house, which draw water from below ground.
In our case we also have a “share” of a communal well. In our case it’s a “back-up”, if for any reason we have a problem with our own “pozo”.
[Cartoon courtesy of Facebook]
In 14 years living here, we’ve needed to access water four times. It seemed like a good idea to have access to reserve water.
It costs us around 200€ a year, ie our share of the standing charges. If we draw water, we have to pay for that in addition. So, it’s a kind of “insurance policy”, albeit rather expensive.
On this occasion we couldn’t draw water because the pump for the communal well is kaputt. It has been kaputt for two and a half weeks!
The company responsible, Voltasur, is nothing short of useless and hasn’t taken seriously the fact that most of us are old, some in their 80s.
Un pozo [photo courtesy of Sondagua]
The Solution?
On my land is an alberca, a concrete water store. It’s full of water from a spring higher up the hill.
“Son of God” Rafael helped me run a garden hose from said alberca into my empty “deposito”. We topped it up, I backfilled the system, switched the pump on and watched as my huge concrete tank filled up with water.
Everything is working now, running water in the house, for the central heating, toilets, the lot.
It took us an hour to sort out the problem. And it didn’t cost a penny, except what I gave “Son of God” Rafael, the miracle worker, for his time.
Una alberca [Photo courtesy of GIdeAA]
The Outcome?
I have resigned from the communal well. It is costly and it let us down in our hour of need. I shall pay my contribution for last year, which is due soon, after which it’s Adios.
“Son of God” Rafael is still around, in case I need another miracle.
© Only Joe King
Photos and Images:
Facebook, Glosario ilustrado de arte arquitectónico, Sondagua, Word on Fire
alberca, “Andalucian outback”, bomba, campo, Christ, communal well, deposito, Facebook, Jesus Christ, Joe King, Paul Whitelock, pedania, pozo, pump, Rafael, Son of God, Sondagua, spring, tank, water store, Word on Fire