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Justin's Life

Welcome to my new blog. I plan to write about all sorts of things here, my life in Spain, ineresting things and ideas I've come across, places I've visited and so much more. Hope you enjoy it and please leave comments as your input is always appreciated.

I'm glad I'm not rich
Friday, February 19, 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Wouldn't it be great to have loads of money?  Well, maybe it's not such a good idea in Spain.

I was reading in a newspaper yesterday that Spain's mystery lottery winner, who scooped £56 million in last Friday's EuroMillions draw, is too scared to claim the prize.  The winner lives in Mojacar in Almeria and there are rumours that the winner could be from the UK.

It seems that the winner is not coming forward for fear of Spain's violent mafias.

I never knew this but apparently Spain has a history of kidnapping so they may be scared to come forward for fear of being kidnapped and held for a ransom.

If it was me I would claim the prize anonymously and get on the first flight out to anywhere!

Whilst they are not claiming their prize the winner is losing £142,000 a day in interest.  Ouch.

Well, with this "history of kidnapping in Spain" I'm finally really glad I'm not rich.  At least I can sleep easy at night.

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jo said:
Friday, February 19, 2010 @ 12:57 PM

With that much money you can afford good security !

TechNoApe said:
Monday, February 22, 2010 @ 7:11 PM

With that amount of dosh you could afford your own personal small army made up from Ex-SAS guys, all armed to the teeth!

If this person is a Brit now living in Spain, then maybe they don't want to claim the prize as they have a, shall we say, less than of perfect character (ahem!).

In which case, for a small administration fee, I would be more than happy to collect the winnings for them.

Justin said:
Tuesday, February 23, 2010 @ 4:02 PM

I know, but it's not much of a life if you need a load of security with you all day long.

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