Gran Hermano, surely the most pointless TV channel
Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 8:28 PM
We have the equivalen of Sky TV in Spain which is Canal+. If you're thinking of installing it...don't bother. It's not cheap and then you have to pay extra for most of the channels and the ones you get free are mostly crap.
You get more channels with free digital TV.
The one channel on Canal+ that really gets to me is the one for "Gran Hermano". This is the equivalent of Big Brother in the UK but here they have a dedicated channel for it.

It is the most pointless, boring, waste-of-life channel I have ever seen. I would rather pull my eyes out with toothpicks whilst sitting on a red hot poker than watch it.
Who is wasting their life sitting watching this channel all day? A summary is fine, but when it runs all day long it's not much of a round up.
As you may have gathered I'm not much fond of Canal+ or Gran "waste my life" Hermano. It reminds me why I hardly watch TV these days. In fact, if you want to quit watching TV then start watching the Gran Hermano channel, within minutes you'll be switching off and be afraid to switch it on again.