The Eye on Spain newsletter confusion and the new Weekly Digest Top 10
Saturday, October 29, 2011 @ 2:30 PM
It seems that my recent communication regarding the Eye on Spain newsletter may have been slightly misinterpreted by some people.
Having re-read it I can possibly see why.
What I was trying to say was just that the newsletter in its traditional format was ending, not that we were shutting down the website, or anything like that!
I really felt that the previous style newsletter was becoming very “heavy”, with way too much stuff in it. It was also incredibly time consuming to put together.
But the main reason for changing this was that in actual fact much of the most interesting content is buried within the forums, blogs and community forums on the website each week.
It’s our members that dictate what’s of most interest and it’s this that we want to now share with our “newsletter” readers. In other words, our members are saying what’s important each week.
So as of this week, you will be receiving a new “Weekly Digest Top 10”. A summary of the top discussions, news items and other stuff of interest from the previous seven days.
It’s a much cleaner format, designed to be easy to scan and without overwhelming the reader.
I hope you’re going to enjoy the new format as much as the previous newsletter and as always, if you have any recommendations and suggestions yourself, then just reply to the email and we’ll certainly take note!
Thanks for continuing to support us and we look forward to being your “Eye on Spain” for many years to come