Spectacular Christmas lights in Malaga city
Monday, December 19, 2011 @ 2:54 PM
We were in Malaga city on Saturday night to absorb some of the Christmas spirit (which seems rather absent in Manilva area) and to take in the amazing lights they've set up this year.
You'll have to excuse the poor quality of the photos I took on my phone...it's just not up to the task and doesn't do the lights any justice!
It's definitely worth going to Malaga in the evening, it feels really Christmasey there and the lights everywhere are amazing. It was buzzing too, certainly didn't feel like there was a crisis on!
Calle Larios (The main streeet)

The main square at the end of Calle Larios

Huge number of Christmas stalls, next to the main road

Lovely huge belen (nativity scene) on roundabout at bottom of Calle Larios

Gorki restaurant where we ate...very good and very popular! www.gorki.es