Spain Is Different - A great new free online Spain magazine
Friday, January 13, 2012 @ 12:17 PM

Graham Hunt has done it again. Every time he does something new he just seems to nail it so well.
His latest endeavour is a new weekly PDF magazine called Spain Is Different, and I really like it! He highlights some great stuff in it, all very honest and real. None of this fluffed-up crap you get so often.
He's just published his third issue and I would recommend you subscribe to it so that you get it in your inbox every week.
Have a read of the latest issue here (best to right-click that link and save it to your PC as it's a PDF).
And you can subscribe to it yourself here.
I'm really keen to see how Graham develops this magazine going forward. It's the best I've seen in ages...I just don't know how he finds the time to do so much these days!
Hope you enjoy the mag.