Ripoff cash machine charges in Spain
Thursday, January 26, 2012 @ 2:03 AM
Manilva is a small village. There's only a handful of shops, a chemist, an opticians and more importantly, a few bars.
But being small it also only has one bank and therefore one cash machine. If you're in Manilva and you've no cash on you to buy a beer, you need to use the local cash machine to withdraw some crispy new notes.
That was me today.
The bank in Manilva is Unicaja and it belongs to a network of cash machines which display the "Euro 6000" logo.

My bank doesn't belong to this network, instead it's part of the Servired network of cash machines.

But, I needed a beer this evening and proceeded to squeeze my card into the cash machine. I requested €30 and was then shocked to see that they were going to charge me €2.40 for the privilege! That's just extortionate. That's the price of two and half small beers.

But the draw of the beer was too great so I begrudingly accepted it and trotted off down to the bar to recover from the ordeal.
Surely they cannot justify such a ridiculous fee?
Next time I go into Manilva I'll be much better in pocket or no beer.