Doing something you love as an expat in Spain
Monday, January 30, 2012 @ 3:43 PM
My good friend Chris Marshall recently wrote an article for the Telegraph website title "Doing something you love is the secret to expat happiness" which those looking to move to Spain and setting up a business here should read.
It's tough enough setting yourself up in business but it's so much easier to do it when it's about something you love or a topic which you are passionate about.
I also get mentioned in the article so it's worth reading just for that really 
And if you're wondering who this Chris Marshall guy is, well, in addition to his Telegraph Expat column Chris runs a couple of expat blogs ( and, is heavily involved in his wires cat re-homing and transport project (, and pays the bills contributing to a number of sites including the Word Wide holiday rental specialists and the holiday lettings in Spain specialists.