Parque de Los Tres Jardines, San Pedro de Alcántara
Thursday, March 19, 2015 @ 11:24 PM
Parque de los Tres Jardines in San Pedro de Alcántara was opened in October 2012. The 'three gardens' of its name referred to the three different garden areas within the park - Mediterranean, subtropical and Arabian, and I say 'referred' because when we visited at the weekend we found that the Arabian garden had disappeared along with the water features that ran along the length of the garden. The flower beds are now sadly neglected and the water feature lies empty except for dirt and rubbish. Nevertheless, there are still lots of wonderful plants throughout the park and there is an abundance of trees and vegetation. Tres Jardines is a lovely, spacious park with lots of great features but I couldn't help but notice that it is looking a bit tired these days. The first hint of this can be seen at the entrance where the large white letters that spell out the name of the park are, on closer inspection, rusty and dirty. More rusting is evident on the signs that direct you around the park and that give information on the plants and wildlife to be seen. Perhaps the shiny new San Pedro Boulevard has taken away some of the manpower and funding previously dedicated to Tres Jardines. Whatever the reason, it's a shame to see the park fading.

Tres Jardines is tucked away in the industrial estate in San Pedro. It is easy to find and parking is provided inside. Right next to the car park is one of the two playgrounds. This first playground is designed with older children in mind and it includes some great climbing frames, see saws, swings and a zip wire. Around the playground are some grassy areas and a few picnic benches and these make a good site for a birthday party.
Last Summer it was common for tables to be reserved early in the morning in readiness for a party later on. The play equipment is well maintained and my boys love playing on the more challenging play equipment here.
On the opposite side of the park is another playground. This one is designed for younger children and it has a little sand pit, smaller climbing equipment, trampolines and a fun 'telephone' on opposite sides of the playground.
Imagine a cross between a home made yogurt pot phone that we all made as kids and a bugle and it will give you an idea of what it looks like! This is also surrounded by lots of grassy areas and a few benches and so it is also a hot spot for birthday parties. There is a kiosk here but I have never actually seen it open. I'm not sure if I have been unlucky enough to miss its opening times on a regular basis or if it never actually opens.
On the far side of the park there is a man made 'body of water'. On the map this water is described as a 'lagoon'. In my opinion that is a rather grand name for what looks more like a small lake or a duck pond, but whatever you choose to call it there is a place where you can feed the ducks, either from the bank or from the small bridge that crosses the lagoon/lake/pond! 
Unfortunately this too is looking a bit tired as some of the surrounding banks have eroded away and the base material beneath the earth is exposed.
One of the more unique features of Tres Jardines is the dog park that was opened in December 2013. This safe, enclosed haven for dogs measures an impressive 4500 sq m and it is well equipped with various agility apparatus, picnic tables provided for owners and even a sandpit where dogs can do their 'business'. (Owners are expected to clean up after their dogs and there are fines for anyone not adhering to the rules.) From the smart appearance of the park all of the owners do care for the facilities.

All of the different areas are connected by a series of wide pathways that meander through the park which makes it an ideal place to go for a walk or for a run. Bikes are not supposed to be used in the park but we take the children's scooters with us sometimes and when it is quiet they love to scoot around. We often meet friends there for picnic dates on warmer, sunnier days and the children love to run around and play football on the surrounding grassy areas while the adults take every opportunity to lounge around in the sunshine in between bursts of sporting activity. On the day that I took my photographs it was overcast and dull and so the pictures don't portray Tres Jardines in a flattering light but don't let that put you off. It's a fantastic place to go and I hope that Tres Jardines will soon be given a bit of care and attention in order to restore its former lustre.
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