Guess What's Happening in Villajoyosa. I say guess what is happening in Villajoyosa, because you won't find the Moors and Christians Fiesta advertised outside of the town.
Our tourist information office only got the printed information out last week. If you don't know what's coming you would most likely not pop in and ask for it.
I don't know if it is deliberate, and the town does not wish tourists to know about what is happening, or they are not good at publicity.
On July 24th Villajoyosa will begin its week-long Moors and Christians Fiesta. Every day for a week there will be something going on.
If you go to the Tourist Information Office in the town you will be able to pick up a leaflet with the times of these events.
Villajoyosa's Moors and Christians Fiesta must be one of the largest and most spectacular in Spain. So, why oh why then are we not shouting about this from the rooftops?
Well I suppose if they are not going to tell you what's going on and when, then I will have to tell you myself.
Friday July 24th at 9 pm is the Inauguration of the Artistic Lighting. Following this is the official music bands parade.
The parade will start off from the Santa Marta Association headquarters. The parade will finish at the Finca La Barbera dels Aragones in Barbera Park.
This event will end with a spectacular mascletá. In other words, they will let off the loudest firecracker that you have ever heard called masclets.
You will need to cover your ears if you are within a 100 metres of this event as the sound will vibrate your bones.
If you are in town anyway, this is worth seeing, but if you are only going to come for a day trip, then it wold be better for you to come to either the Christian or Moorish parades or if you like early starts, the Desembarco itself.
Saturday July 25th starting at 9.00pm (this is Spanish time) is the Christian Parade. The parade starts off on Calle Colōn you will not be able to miss the route as you will see the crowds lining the streets.
Bring plenty of water with you this parade can go on for over three hours. The Troops costumes are spectacular. Among the Christian troops are Catalonians, Pirates, Smugglers, Axemen, Sailors each troop dressed resplendently.
Each Christian Troop marches accompanied by its own brass band. These Brass bands are amazing and it is an awesome sight to see each of the troops marching in time to the sound of the music. This is definitely one of the highlights of the Fiesta.
Sunday July 26th starting at 8.00pm is the Moorish Parade. The route is the same as the one the Christians took. It starts an hour earlier because there are more Moorish troops than there are Christian troops.
The costumes are once again spectacular. There are troops of Beduins, Berbers, Riffs and many more.
If you attended the Christian Parade you will notice the music the Moors march to is a different rhythm.
If you are only going to be able to get to one of these parades this is the one not to miss.
Monday July 27th Starting at 8.00pm on the beach. The pirates and smugglers are surrounded and a battle takes place on the beach.
In spite of the resistance from the Christian troops they reach the castle. The Parley takes place at the castle at 8.30.
At 9.00pm the Moorish troops are presented to their King. The procession starts at the crossroads of Calle Barranquet and the Avda Pais Valencia. The procession moves down to the central beach. where the Bedouin's Parley takes place.
Tuesday July 28th it is the Desembarco. It begins just before the dawn at 4.45 AM down on the beach with a light and sound show with pyrotechnics. Here is a link to one of my videos of the Desembarco
The Christians who have set up camp on the beach fire off their blunderbusses which are unbelievably loud.
The Moorish fleet sails into view just before dawn breaks. The Moors disembark and swim to shore where hand to hand fighting takes place. The Moors win and they take over the Castle.
At 8.00 pm A big battle between the Moors and Christians and the Christians take back the castle.
Following the retaking of the castle by the Christian troops, a thanksgiving service to our town's Patron Saint Marta takes place at the Parish Church, just follow the crowds.
They fire off a twenty-one cannon salute (cover your ears if you value your hearing) to mark our Patron Saints Day.
Wednesday July 29th 11.30 am. Starting from in front of the Santa Marta Headquarters there is a procession. The procession goes to the Parish Church where at 12 am there will be a Church service in honour of Santa Marta.
At 8.00pm the Solemn Procession takes place through the streets of the old town.
Later that night at 1.00 am so really, the early hours of the 30th of July, there is a firework display on the beach.

Thursday July 30th 8.00 pm Children's coach parade through the street of the city centre. If you have children with you, bring a carrier bag because they throw sweets by the handful at the watching crowds.
Friday July 31st one of my favourite events at 1.00pm the Paella Competition will be held at the marketplace where paellas are prepared in the traditional way and cooked over wood fires.

If you would like to see more photos of the Moors and Christians Fiesta, or need photos for your blogs, please visit and help yourself.
Our photographers have full unlimited access to all of the events of the fiesta and we will endeavour to upload the photos on a daily basis to keep you up to date.