How to make money on line selling books on Ebay
Tuesday, January 22, 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Making Money online - selling books on Ebay
Ebay is one of the major success stories on the internet and it is really user friendly.
I am sure many people have bought stuff on Ebay but have you ever tried to sell something on Ebay
and make a bit if money for yourself.
What can you sell on Ebay which is easy to ship and does not get damaged?
The answer is books - books is one of Ebay's top selling items.
They don't need to be new just in good condition.
If you are a bit like me you probably have a book case which is jammed pack with different books.
Many of these books you may already have read once and have no intention of reading them again.
So why not let them may some money for you.
Selling Books on Ebay
It is relatively easing selling books on Ebay compared to other items.
As books are quite sturdy you don't have to be over concerned about how you package them especially if they
are paper backs. There are many different types of packaging options available which can be easily used.
Hardcover books such as cook books for instance will need a bit of extra packaging but by adding light weight bubble wrap they can be shipped
as well. Cook books are great as many people do collect cook books.
Series of books are good sellers as well so if you have a complete series of Sharpe it could be a little goldmine.
Make sure you set up a Paypal account so that you can get paid easily. Paypal is still the best way of getting paid online.
Short of books?
What do you do when you run out of books? Don't let that stop you.
Always keep a look out for interesting books and perhaps even rare books in charity shops,second hand shops, car boots and you may even find someone selling a larger quantity of books for a good price. A selection of titles could be well worth investing in.
One of the best places to find books is charity shops or second hand shops. Books are normally very reasonably priced second hand and sometimes
you kind find some unusual and rare books.
Do a bit of research
Find out a little bit the books you are selling and start a literature blog. Blogs are great for writing reviews and highlighting what you have for sale.
A lot of blogs also let you link into the actual items for sale. If someone is interested in purchasing the book you have for sale all they need to do is to click on the
link and buy the book. If you are unsure on how to write a book or author's review check out my review on Black Beauty - old editions of this book are very collectable.
Participate in forums and find which books are selling well at the moment and what people are looking for. In a lot of forums you can also post links so you could for instance post a link to you blog which could result in a sale.
Post office is one of the best way to ship books, and you can easily check prices on line. Click here for a link to the Spanish post office Correos.
Another fantastic service available in Spain is a company called MRW. This is a Spanish transport company with a branch in almost every town and they specialise
in small packages. Not only do they ship stuff within the border of Spain but also the rest of the world. Have a look at MRW here.
I am going to stop writing now as it is time for you to go and have a look at that overflowing book case. Make yourself a list of what you would like to sell. It is a good idea to list the title of the book, author, ISBN number and make a note if it is a paper back or hard back.