I was so excited about our change of life & lifestyle!
Once the decicison had been made, I couldn't wait to get started planning & packing. I'm a control freak & (sadly maybe), I do love organising (after all, it's what makes me a good VA), so I was really keen to get started on this new project.
First of all we'd need to fit all our belongings in an estate car & whilst storage would likely be necessary, we'd need to de-clutter in a big way. Rob does tend to be a hoarder & finds it difficult to part with belongings, even if they've not been used for years & we have a garage full of stuff. One day I'll have to recount our 'wire-box' experience when I was actually proved wrong 
Anyway, I couldn't wait to clear out my stuff, to have an excuse, permission almost, to do-so. There's a certain attraction to not having cupboards & boxes full of clutter.
I trimmed down my wardrobe first, selecting favourite clothes that fit & ruthlessly discarding the rest, either to sell or give away to charity. There was so much that I didn't actually wear, or even particularly like, but kept just because I had the space to do-so & well, you never know when it may be required. I'm intruigued by 'Project 333' which challenges you to dress with a maximum of 33 items or less for 3 months. Check out the Be More With Less website.
I used to love to sew, but became too busy running my business & hadn't done-so since making my daughter's bridesmaids dresses a few years ago. Could I take my machine with me? Will there be space? I really want to as the machine, of all my possesions, was the one item I was reluctant to part with. however, my large collection of fabric, patterns, threads & accessories can be cleared out, or given away & I just retained a couple of favourite dress fabrics & a few more favourite patterns - the rest was destined for Ebay.
Rob meanwhile had a number of Djembe drums & other percussive instruments from when he used to run drum circles & a total of four guitars, not all used. He's mentioned selling a couple to buy a travel guitar instead, whilst his little Cahonita always travels on holidays with us anyway, usually stuffed with undies! One favourite Djembe will be put into storage & he arranged for a music teacher friend to take the other instruments.
Having not Ebay'd for a long while, there was a learning curve & it wasn't a worthwhile success. It took so much time for so little reward & for someone who sells her services by the hour, time is money.
However, I did have a good feeling that some fellow-sewers will make good use of their bargain purchases & overall, feedback was very positive.
I'm a book lover & although use my Kindle for holiday, did have shelves full of books of all kinds, copies of fiction, business & self-devlopment. Some sold for a few quid on Ebay, others on Amazon & the majority would go to car boot.
Next job was the DVDs. Family had their opportunity to choose favourites, I had a pile I wanted to watch before discarding, a very small number would be taken with us & a few were actually worthwhile selling on Amazon. I purchased a CD/DVD travel case & Rob needed to check through the audio CDs for his favourite sounds, however, I'd already copied the entire collection to MP3 on my laptop 
Rob really didn't want to leave his music dedicated tower-PC behind as composing music on Reason software is his main hobby, so he decided to take it. Along with the amp, speakers, one guitar in a hard case (not a travel guitar as previously mentioned) & his favourite Djembe....
So I was determined to find space for my little sewing machine, but would sell the much bigger overlocker - it gave a great professional finish to garments, but was a luxury & not essential.
But, with two dogs & a parrot on the back seat, we cannot make full use of dropping the seats in the estate car, so would need to buy a roof box.
We had a quick look online at car roof boxes, but hadn't a clue which roof racks to buy for the Honda, never mind a box! I'm not good at estimating size without actually viewing the space, so we took a quick trip to Halfords to look at these in person. We ended-up ordering the biggest most expensive box they had in the store, but saving some money on the free bars & fitting. Both the bars & box are locked into place so our belongings would be secure & they are suitibly aerodynamic so (apart from the noise when the sun roof was open) we didn't notice their addition whilst driving.
The box came in very useful for transporting things to the car boot too & someone actually asked if it was for sale!
Rob & I had a fun morning at a local car boot & raised some travelling funds. We sold the camping chairs straight away so had no-where to sit & the table went before we'd finished so the remaining items were displayed on the ground! No-one wanted my books so they were taken to the local Oxfam bookshop. We decided not to have the expense of a storage unit which, at the best value I could find, was still £25 per week so a few bits will be stored in my mother-in-law's garage, but absolutely everything else had to go! My son agreed to store some personal items & business paperwork, but my most sentimental belongings fit into a small cardboard box.