I must admit I got stressed.
I tried not to be, did actually feel like I was coping & that most things were on track, but our leaving date was getting ever-closer & all becoming real!
But I just couldn't comprehend how to pack-up our remaining possessions into the car & leave the house 100% empty!
The bed would need to go & the sofa, all pots, pans, cutlery & towels etc etc. We needed these items right up to the last minute! Where would we sleep & how would we dispose of the kettle & everything we'd need for the last breakfast? The car would be packed with everything we want to take, so no space for a run to the local dump.
So, once we knew we were definitely leaving the UK, I researched self-catering holiday sites to discover a holiday cottage in the next village. Perfect! This would allow us to practice packing-up the car & moving ten minutes down the road.
After all, would we fit everything in? Would we have to reduce our belongings? At least we'd be using someone elses bedding, cuttlery & crockery etc giving us a last opportunity to sell or give away our remaining possesions.
A priority to take were our favourite PG Tips tea bags. I'd been buying boxes with 50% free & ended-up with 2,400 tea bags!! Topped-up by a couple more boxes brought back from the UK, after eight months in Spain, they've still not run out 
We were chasing back & forth to & from various family members who agreed to store some valuables (think guitars & keyboards) & I had people arriving to collect things I'd sold via a local Facebook group. But everytime we turned, there was still a house full of items & the cleaning needed to be done too.
Finally everything we owned was in one room in our first rented holiday home!
The car had been packed to the gills, everything was dumped inside & we headed-off down the street to the local Chinese take-away. It was late Tuesday & we would leave for South Devon on the Friday.
I'd planned to settle-down & do a couple of days work in our temporary 'holiday' home whilst Rob cleaned out our old house. But it wasn't actually that straight-forward. During those two days before departure, both dogs were booked-in (separately) for a trim & groom (in preparation for warmer weather), the car for an MOT, Rob had an appointment at the dentist & we had to go to Leicester with Woody parrot to collect his export documentaton.
So it was hectic.
The furniture project took what they were legally allowed to & Rob was clearing-up & visiting family. I was trying to keep on top of client work & on the last day, as I still had fast internet at 'home', I worked from our plastic patio table for as long as possible.
A neighbour across the road, never one for passing-up a bargain, took many of our remaining items, the bin was full to overflowing & my mum came to help clean a more-or-less empty house. As the last person we saw, she was also the recipient of store cupboard items which I had thought to take, herbs & spices etc, but then reaslised that they just wouldn't fit in the car.
We owned so very little, but it didn't, & still doesn't matter.
My mum didn't let me get maudlin & encouraged us to have fun & an adventure. The previous week she'd organised a family meal at the local pub. I hadn't thought about this, both not wanting to make a fuss & due to being so busy, not wanting yet something else to organise.
Due to their jobs, it's rare that my son & his wife can attend family dos on-spec, but they were there with my mum & dad, together with my daughter, brother & sister-in-law. It was so lovely, but at the end as we hugged goodbye, it was very emotional. I'd enjoyed our meal & chatting to family, but didn't take any photos of everyone so will have to carry the memory in my mind.
We didn't have space for pictures anyway as most of our photos are online, since we purchased our first digital camera, so we thought to buy a digital photo viewer in the future. My son would look after photo albums from his & his sister's baby/childhood, whilst I'd scanned all my favourite wall pictures, scrapped the frames & stored the paper images.
I'd keep in touch with family & friends via phone & Skype or similar to see their faces, but this was really it - we were due to be off!