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Our new life in spain

The ups & downs of our new life in Andalucia

Chapter 3 - Thoughts on moving with Hindsight
Monday, November 8, 2010 @ 2:22 PM


I would not recommend anyone to move themselves to Spain I certainly wouldn’t do it again by ourselves (silly me we don’t have to we’re already here & it’s great) Sorry got side tracked.
I did do some research before leaving the UK and the prices quoted for being moved were horrendous and there also didn’t seem to be very much choice. I now realise that there are plenty of people with vans based in Spain who regularly go back and forth to the UK and charge a very reasonable rate for bring over your goods and chattels. Their adverts can be found in the free newspaper Sur in English.
This brings me nicely to the return of the deposit on the van we hired. This was due to be returned to us by the 28th April’10. After many many emails, phone calls & promises to pay we finally had to threaten them with a denuncia. Very interesting to find out what you have to do in Spain if someone owes you money as in my previous life in the UK I used to work in debt recovery.
Anyway to end the story we finally got our deposit back 24 weeks late.

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