Taking the Plunge
Wednesday, April 13, 2011 @ 1:59 PM
Hi I wanted to write this blog so you can follow my journey of starting a new life in Spain.
A little bit about myself I am 42 married with 2 Kids & 2 dogs.( I will upload photos in next blog)
We have had a dream of moving to Spain, when the time is right since the kids were born. Now 22 & 20 years old, so whats been stopping us? We've dreamed of a life in Spain for years but have come up with every excuse you can think of over the years.
Kids to young, won't settle! Leaving family behind, Ain't got enough money, what jobs can we do? How we going to manage? Blah Blah Blah get the picture
You name it we've said it, some were more plausable than others. So what was REALLY Stopping us all these years. FEAR of the unknown, thats my theory. So whats changed Well we figured you really have only got one shot at this life, it aint a rehearsal this is it. So if we fail or succeed I want you to follow us on our journey.
We don't have much money so we will have to rent. Times are hard in th UK and just as bad in Spain but if we don't try we will always be wondering. So this week I am getting the house valued and hopefully there is enough in the pot. I am talking about 5-10 K. But hey we have struggled all our working married life in England. So I am sure we will be able to muddle through in spain. So follow me on my next blog and see either a miracle happen or watch the disaster unfold. Either way we are up for the challenge