1:1 Support for Autistic Child
Monday, September 22, 2014 @ 8:31 PM
With the opportunity of coming to live in Spain, we need as much information as possible with regards to schools, specifically regarding schools who will accept those with a diagnosis of Autism. Our 10 year old son is in a mainstream school in England with full time 1:1 support. His support is not due to inappropriate behaviour, it is mainly to stay on task and due to his language barrier. I have heard conflicting stories on what support is available in this area. His current statement is really good having ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis), SaLT and OT written into it - after a long hard fight. Left in a class with 20-30 other students without 1:1 support, is not an option for him at the moment. Any kind of advice or direction from anybody would be greatly appreciated. Thanking you in anticipation and hope.