4% IVA on new properties in Spain throughout 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
In case you missed it, the government has extended their "50% IVA" deal when buying a brand new home in Spain, for the entire course of 2012.
It means that instead of paying the normal 8% IVA (the equivalent of VAT in UK) you now pay 4%.
The deal was previously run during the last quarter of last year but obviously they thought this would be a good incentive to continue to keep the new stock rolling, even if it does, it seems, contravene EU law.
Make of that what you will.
And remember that this only applies to brand new properties that have never gone through the completion process. There are still thousands of properties out there which are brand new but were completed on, either by the developer of the banks.
This IVA reduction only applies to those properties that have never completed.
As Tesco would say..."Every little helps".
Published at 12:37 PM Comments (7)