Lots of travelers still change their money when they get to the airport. That does not get you the best deal on currency at all, and you are probably losing money left right and center. If you want to save money on exchanging foreign currency, and get savvy about foreign exchange rates, it could be a good idea to check out companies like Torfx.com.
The great thing about companies like Torfx.com is that you can use them for your holiday money, and you can use them for personal currency transfers as well. Should we start looking at currency transfers, and foreign exchange rates differently? Maybe we should stop relying on banks, and take charge of our own money. It is easy to go into a bank, and ask them to make an international transfer for you, or organise your holiday money. However, with all of the ups and downs in the currency market, it could be a good idea to take control of your own money.
If you travel a lot, maybe you should consider to bulk buy currency. You can use a company such as Torfx.com to do just that. Also, consider holding bank accounts in different currencies. If you cruise a lot, you may want to hold a bank account in US dollars, and take advantage of making further investments in foreign currency when the rates are good. Did you know that you may even get your cruise cheaper if you pay in US dollars? Most bank accounts come with debit card and easy access, so you can use your debit card when you need to access your cash.
Another choice is prepaid credit cards. I have started to use them when I travel, and I think that they are great. But, never underestimate what online currency exchange services, and start checking out foreign currency exchange rates online. Make sure that the company you deal with is FCA authorised, and that you get an account manager to look after your personal foreign currency needs.
Looking after your money is now even more important than ever. Brexit, or Britain coming out of the EU, will affect the currency markets. How much a Brexit will affect foreign exchange, it is hard to tell. However, one thing is for sure, Brexit is likely to rear its ugly head from time to time for the foreseeable future.