Ammunition Supplies and Guns Running Low in Las Vegas Nothing Like the Clinton vs Trump Election
Monday, November 7, 2016 @ 7:14 PM
Trust me to travel in a US election year. Well, my family live in the States and after a visit to San Jose, I thought that I would go to see my dad in Las Vegas. It was all planned but I had not expected such chaos here in Las Vegas. Sitting here watching the local morning news, it is hard to believe that the local gun shops are running low on ammunition and gun sales have peaked. The US may be about to elect a man to be President who has been endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan. Believe it or not, people have even been pulling their cash out of the banks. Could it be that all of those cray preppers are right? There will be some sort of civilian uprising if Trumpt does not win. He has certainly been stirring things up.
It certainly seems that the Clinton Trump election has got a lot of people rattled and hot under the collar. In many ways this feels like a country that I don't know any more. You can hardly say that Donald Trump has run a normal US President election campaign.
What about Clinton then? She seems to be the witch in all of this, but according to people that I have spoken to, she is the only stabile choice. It seems that there are a lot of Americans who are relucant to have Trump with his finger on the nuclear trigger.
There are a few British Expats living here in Las Vegas and most of them are planning to stay home tomorrow. So many people are unsure of what is going to happen, and I think the authorities are as well. There is certainly a high police presence on the streets and a tension hangs in the air.
It is time for the Clinton Trump election to be over. This has been a farce and I am not sure that we can even call it a Presidental election or Presidental race to the White House. To me, it seems to have been a Mexican stand off between to gun slingers in the Old West. May the best man or woman win, but I am not even so sure that is the answer to this nation's problems.