Answer to the comment Taxation of non-residents. Ficitious revenue from the ownership of a property
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 @ 7:51 PM
Hi Myra, We are talking about the Income tax, el impuesto de la renta (and related to residents) When I say that you first dwelling is not tax I am only talking about the Income tax of residents in Spain and I referr to the habitual dweilling, your usual home. This is foreseen in the Law 35/2006 as "imputación de renta inmobiliaria" and if you take a look at its article 85 this fictious revenue it is only generated over second properties-buildings, but for example if you own a plot with no building on it, then this fictious revenue doesn´t exist. The other things you comment are related to other taxes. The plusvalia is payable always, it doesn´t matter if it is a plot, a builiding, your usual dwelling or whatever. What happens, is that in the plusvalía tax related to a transmission as cause of death of the owner, and depending the city (for example Murcia) you can have deduction of 95% on the plusvalía tax. And regarding the inheritance tax residents in Spain, and residents in Murcia for at least 5 years, the closest relatives, have a reduction on the Inheritance tax of 99%. Other Communities have similiar reductions but conditions might change. So we are talking about different taxes and it is mistake to mix them up. One thing can mean a thing in a tax and a complete different thing in other tax.