Self unemployed and pension fund bailouts
Friday, February 19, 2010 @ 7:28 PM
As is known, the employees are entitled to receive unemployment benefits in the event that their companies fire them by closing it because of bankrupcy. And when such workers are in a situation of long-term unemployment and end up exhausting their unemployment benefits, have the possibility of rescuing the contributions which once made to pension plans that have been signed
But what happens with the self-employed? By definition, when they close their businesses through bankruptcy, they don´t have unemployment benefits. Can they rescue their contributions to pension plans when they close their business while unable to collect unemployment aids?
The General Direction of Insurance and Pension Funds said yes, with the conditions thereof the following:
· Having ceased the activity, whether or not to have caused low in the Special Regime for Self-Employed
· Not be eligible for unemployment benefits.
· Be registered as unemployed in the respective employment office.
Serveco Asesores.
Antonio Robles Jara