Databases and Addresses in Spain
Monday, April 26, 2010 @ 6:22 PM
Databases and addresses may seem like boring and unlikely topics to mention when moving to Spain but it does have some importance. I will though keep the discussion brief.
Several times I have notified Spanish government offices at the federal and local levels that I have changed my mailing address. Similarly, I have also informed commercial businesses such as banks, phone company, etc., when I have moved. Too often I later found that the notification either got lost in cyberspace or that the change was only noted in one department database but was not disseminated to others connected with it.
For example, I have communicated to my bank three times that my address has changed. Still, some of their databases show I live at my prior residence and some at my current one.
I experienced an almost identical situation when I obtained my Spanish Driver’s License and dealing with the electric company.
This type of event can cause concern when it involves bank records, credit cards, pin numbers and Residencia documentation to name just a few. So try and confirm that everyone you are relying on really knows where you are.