Let me introduce LUCA to you - Luca, a young GSD about 11mths, full of happiness and affection - will you offer him a loving & fun home, LUCA is such a relaxed and happy dog - all he wants to do is chase his tail, go for a walk here or there, play with his doggie friends and then come for a good cuddle. LUCA will be a fantastic family dog, he just wants to know who is fis family or loving owner. LUCA will give back lots of affection, fun and delight - he will be a very faithful dog for the person who says 'yes' to giving this lovely dog a good home.

I first saw Luca, just 2 days before he was due to be put to sleep - just a young, playful innocent pup dumped by a callous previous owner in the kill pound, beyond Badajoz, just before the border with Portugal. This pound has had a reputation for killing - either pts or slow starvation. Neither is a good option as far as I am concerned, so I took him out and placed him with a great foster carer. Luca quickly got an adoption offer when I posted him on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OlivenzaPerreraRescue/?fref=ts which is a page a friend of mine and I set up to help home the dogs at this remote pound.
As he got an adoption offer, I could afford to put Luca in paid foster care, as it would only take 1 month to prepare him for his trip to Northern England. Dogs can travel 3 weeks after their rabies vaccination and Luca had a confirmed adoption.
Unfortunately, one of his adopters was taken sriously ill and rushed to hospital, with what as confirmed a long term, serious condition. So Luca's adoption collapsed and he remains kind of lost in foster care, 85€ a month in the Albox Town area.
Can you help towards Luca's foster fees? Donations, marked 'Luca' to Paypal dogstohomes@gmail.com all amounts count!! :) :)
If you would like to offer Luca a loving and responsible home, please contact me at dogstohomes@gmail.com or by whatsapp +336 59 74 75 57 Please provide your email address and phone number/whatsapp/fb link which ever is the best way to contact you and we'll proceed from there. Luka has an adoption fee of 65€ which covers his chip, passport, rabies vaccination. He will need to be speyed and I have a good vet who does this for 60€ Luca can also travel out of Spain - transport costs apply.