Paco has been in care for NINE years! He certainly deserves a post of his own!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Paco, male, Pointer X, D.O.B 01/07/2003, neutered. Paco has been at The Dog House since August 2003. He was found in an irrigation channel in a field. He arrived with Parvo Virus but, with a lot of care and medical treatment, he survived.
Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.

Published at 2:19 AM Comments (0)
Sally, Sade, Polly, Poochy & Pippa all need homes. Currently all at The Dog House, Huercal-Overa, Almeria
Friday, July 27, 2012
Sally, female, small mixed breed. D.O.B 01/09/2010. Found under bins at local cemetery with 4 siblings, 2 died, the other 2 re-homed but sadly little Sally still waiting. A lovely girl who is a little shy, so needs a home of her own. Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.
BELOW: Sally

Sade, Female,D.O.B 13/08/2010. Been at The Dog House since May 2011 when she came from Puppy Rescue. She is of mixed breed & a little timid but gains trust quickly. Loves a cuddle. Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa.

Polly. Pointer X, female, spayed,D.O.B 01/10/2005. Abandoned on The Dog House drive Christnas day 2009. She is fun loving and full of energy, good with other dogs. Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa.
BELOW: Polly

Poochy, female, spayed, D.O.B 01/07/2008. Been at The Dog House since July 2010. Was found in someone's garage pregnant, all her puppies have been re-homed. Lovely girl and a very nice little dog. Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa.
BELOW: Poochy

Pippa, female, spayed, German Shepherd X, D.O.B 01/01/2010.Been at The Dog House since Nov 2010. She has a lovely nature, very friendly & gets on well with other dogs. Walks well on the lead & would make a lovely pet. Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa.
BELOW: Pippa

Published at 2:10 AM Comments (0)
Sally, Jenna, Jake, Jack, Honey & Fechin all need homes PLEASE!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Sally (deaf) female Podenco, rough haired, medium size. D.O.B 01/02/2010. Abandoned on the road side she was fed by kind passer bys. When eventually caught she was brought to us. She is a very happy playful girl who gets on well with other dogs. Sally is currently being taught sign language. Been at The Dog House since Nov 2010. Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.
BELOW: Sally

Jenna, Female, Rottweiler x,neutered.DOB 01/08/2008.Mother we believe of Jack as found together. Been at The Dog House since Aug 2010. She is a lovely girl in excellent health. Good with other dogs, would make great family pet along with extra security.
Call Paul on 626766073
The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.
BELOW: Jenna

Jake, male, neutered. Pointer/Podenco X, DOB 01/03/2010. Been at The Dog House since Nov 2010. When found Jake had been in a road accident and had two broken legs which had healed by themselves but has left him with a slight limp. He was found with his brother Lucky. Jake is a very loving affectionate boy.
Call Paul on 626766073
The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.

Jack, male,neutered,DOB 01/08/2009. Been at The Dog House since 05/08/10. He is a very placid, peaceful natured dog, would make a great family pet. Always happy to see new faces and is always wagging his Tail.
Call Paul on 626766073

Honey, Female Podenco X,spayed, DOB 01/03/2000. Been at The Dog House since 12/03/03, as abandoned by her owners returning to the UK. A beautiful natured girl, gets on well with other dogs and loves children.Honey is very placid & affectionate.
Call Paul on 626766073
BELOW: Honey

Fechin, female, spayed.DOB 01/12/2005. Been at The Dog House since she was abandoned on the drive Christmas day 2005.
Very friendly girl who gets on with other dogs.
Call Paul on 626766073
BELOW: Fechin

Published at 1:32 AM Comments (0)
Shelia & Sherman need loving homes. They are at The Dog House, Huercal-Overa, Almeria
Friday, July 27, 2012
Shelia, Rottie X, came from Puppy Rescue where she was abandoned by some bins at 8 weeks old, she was fostered until 6 months and then went into kennels. She then came to the Foundation, she is of mix breed and very timid, she does gain trust very quickly and loves to be cuddled. Shelia has been vaccinated and wormed. D.O.B 13/08/2010. She has been at The Dog House in Huercal-Overa, Almeria, since May 2011.
Call Paul on 626766073.
BELOW: Shelia

Sherman is a German Shepherd X and was found in rambla near Urcal. Sherman is very playful and gets on well with other dogs. He has had his first vacination. D.O.B 01/01/2011. He has been at The Dog House in Huercal-Overa since Feb 2011. Call Paul on 626766073.
BELOW: Sherman

Published at 12:58 AM Comments (0)
Serena & Venus, sisters, need homes. Huercal-Overa, Almeria
Friday, July 27, 2012
Serena is a Pointer X and she is spayed (sister to Venus). Abandoned by her owner, Serena is a quiet dog and sometimes a little nervous but with some patience and loving, will make a great family pet. Serena has been at The Dog House in Huercal-Overa, Almeria since July 2009 D.O.B 01/05/2008 call Paul on 626766073
BELOW: Serena

Venus is a Pointer X (sister to Serena) and spayed, Abandoned by her owners, Venus is a lovely girl who is lots of fun. D.O.B 01/05/2008. She has been at The Dog House in Huercal-Overa since July 2009. Call Paul on 626766073.
BELOW: Venus

Published at 12:43 AM Comments (0)
Orchie is 4 yrs old & is in Almeria
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Orchie, female, D.O.B 01/01/2008. Been at The Dog House since Jan 2010.
It has taken several months to regain her her trust as she arrived in an awful state & had obviously been badly mistreated. Would suit a quiet home with lots of love & cuddles. She is spayed.
Call Paul on 626766073. The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.
Published at 7:00 PM Comments (0)
Home needed for OSA, 4 yr old male (Almeria)
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Osa, male, castrated, mixed breed.
Been at The Dog House since Jan 2010. D.O.B 01/01/2008. He can be a live wire & is very entertaining.
Call Paul on 626766073, The Dog House is located in Huercal-Overa, Almeria.
Published at 5:34 PM Comments (0)
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