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Spanish Shilling

Some stories and experiences after a lifetime spent in Spain

The Coming Divorce
Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 5:26 PM

 I don't suppose that anybody cares much, but me and Facebook, Facebook and I, are about to part company. 

We had a longish fling together, eleven years according to them, but now the time is fast approaching when we must divide the furniture, the paintings and the dog, and see who gets the car. 

This is because they keep putting me down

I post something, and they put it 'lower in feed' (how many people read - or rather see my posts on Facebook anyway?). 'Lower in feed' is kind of like Being Sent to Coventry.

Not nasty stuff, like pictures of dead Palestinian children, or swastikas, or pictures of Donald Trump looking stupid - but, I don't know, pretty innocuous news stories from the Spanish press (one last week showed a graphic from on the voting spread following the European elections). I post these things because they are interesting.

They currently question, or remove, about one post of mine every week. 

They accuse me of posting 'Graphic violence' on this one about the voters spread, and then another of the Argentinian president Milei insulting Pedro Sánchez (also from a press clipping).

Javier Milei was back in Spain last week for another round of insults, invited by the future leader of the Partido Popular Isabel Díaz Ayuso (who notably failed to invite Alberto Núñez Feijóo to the bun-fight). He almost caused a riot as usual.

Me, I'm not gonna say nuffing on Facebook, Dear me no.

Today, they abruptly removed an article of mine which comes from the Eye on Spain blog about the odd drinking habits of the foreigners in Mojácar back in the olden days which I had posted a little over a year ago on a Facebook page called Mojácar Golden Years (a page about Mojácar back in the sixties).

A year ago!

They said it was 'spam'.

It is, I agree, a pretty terrifying article - foreigners getting plastered in the town square on five peseta brandy.

I wonder if they had read it. Maybe they had got a complaint from Alcoholics Anonymous.

Indeed, the break-up is edging closer (freeing me up to spend more time with other projects).  

I put Ronald Searle's marvelous cat at the top of this page to try and fool Zuckerburg's Thought Police - in case this article makes its way back to Facebook.

We shall duly see how that goes. 

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PablodeRonda said:
Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 7:39 PM

Lenox, we shall miss your entertaining posts.

klaussailing said:
Monday, June 24, 2024 @ 8:17 PM

Yes,they are a nasty bunch of censors this facebook people - according to a known source they are under a dictatorship of their own minds driven by their boss ... as usual the one who pays ... and history keeps on repeating - there is no 'free' press nor any 'free expression of opinion; - it is just covered by nice sounding words ... written from the megalomaniacs as usual ...

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