The Partido Popular is in some choppy waters right now, with some issues floating up to the surface that they would rather see staying down there with the fishies.
Carlos Mazón, for example, over in Valencia, whose actions during the late October flood – known as the DANA – have yet to be explained. Short of airing the details on that fateful day (we suppose that he had his attention on some other subject) he is under greater pressure than ever to resign. Indeed, the April meeting of the European Popular Party, due to be held in Valencia, has now been moved to the safer shores of Madrid.
Another ‘baron’ – as the regional presidents are often called, is a baroness. This Thursday March 13th, a documentary on her mishandling of the covid crisis in 2019 will be shown on national TV. It’s called the 7291 and refers to the number of elderly people who expired in the residencias after medical aid was refused them. ‘They would have died anyway’, Isabel Díaz Ayuso said on occasion in the Madrid parliament. Between the show on the TV (the PP was trying to have it pulled), and the problem with the boyfriend and his tax position, Ayuso is becoming a trifle toxic. She had been doing so well and was being tipped as Feijóo’s successor.
Another potential replacement for Feijóo (when he goes) is Juanma Moreno, still popular but with a few underreported issues – mainly his privatisations, some cavalier dealings and the issue of refusing – in solidarity with his jefe in Madrid, mind – to take a 50% discount off the large Andalusian state-debt. We are talking of 18,791 million euros, and the corresponding drop in interest payments (money that, evidently, could be spent elsewhere).
While Feijoo is what he is – a second-rater who, like Mariano Rajoy, doesn’t speak a word of English - his businesswoman wife has recently been attracting unwelcome attention in Galicia over a property with
exclusive beach access.
In an attempt to deflect attention towards the manifold crimes of the PSOE, last week a short video was made, using artificial intelligence, to show (a very muscly looking) Pedro Sánchez and his six-pack abdomen, together with his wife and some other senior figures in the socialist hierarchy, enjoying a jolly day bathing in the warm seas of the Dominican Republic, under the title: ‘The Island of Corruption’.
That's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Understandably, the President of the island didn’t appreciate the joke and the Partido Popular had to quickly pull the offending vid from their website, as Pedro Sánchez was obliged to apologise in the name of the Spanish people for the upset.
The International Women’s Day was last Saturday, and while the womenfolk hit the streets (despite the rain), Feijóo was telling reporters in a folksy way that his mum and granny were both women, you know, and they enjoyed all sorts of freedom (in, er, Franco’s Spain). Vox meanwhile came out with a jolly feminist video to mark the occasion, warning that you girls will all be wearing a hijab by 2030. If not sooner, hey?
Perhaps the answer is to just let Sánchez get on with things – after all, he’s doing pretty well…