Oxford - take off in spanish
Thursday, April 9, 2009
This is another good course. I borrowed it from the library, and thought it was good enough to buy my own copy. I got it off Amazon for about £15, so really good value. There are 5 CDs - although i haven't had chance to listen to them all yet, the format seems really good.
Ideal for listening in the car, although it does need the book to study properly, you can still get the gist of things by just listening. There is plenty of English to Spanish translation and vocabulary, followed by some dialogue in Spanish for you to hear things in context. I know that I will listen to this course over and over, because I won't remember all the words/phrases immediately, but the pace is fast enough to allow that, without being so fast that you can't get anything out of it as a beginner.
There is also a separate dictionary grouped by category which is useful, although of course not as good as being able to hear the words in Spanish as you can on the website www.learnparrotfashion.com 
Look forward to reading some comments back about any courses you recommend, or feedback on the website. For those of you that have had problems opening the sound files, try setting windows media player as the automatic programme for audio, that is what I use and it works really well.
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