review CD
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 7:41 PM
I have been listening to the Michel Thomas beginners CDs
There are 8 CDs in the set and I have been through all of them twice now. The format is Michel Thomas and 2 students - he is asking them to say things in Spanish, so you get to hear their mistakes and the corrections - it has a feel of classroom learning and because they are not native speakers everything is said quite slowly so it helps with "catching" the words.
I have to say that I have been very impressed with this - it is based on structure of the language - and how to form sentences rather than lots of vocab - but within a short time I felt I had learnt a lot, so I would really recommend this.
Second time some things were a bit irritating, as you are listening to Michel Thomas correct the same mistakes repeatedly, but overall well worth a trip to the library for this.
I see that lots of people have linked through to it would be really great to get feedback - and also to know what additional vocabulary groups people might find useful.