Low maintenance garden boxes a great success!
Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 6:52 PM

I must say I'm very pleased with the garden boxes that I planted at the beginning of the summer. Spending every evening watering is a great time consumer not to mention impossible if you aren't there on a regular basis but something has to be done when you step out onto the patio and stare straight out a miserable dead weedy fringe. So armed with some tips I'd remembered from my Australian gardening days, I ripped out all the weeds at the root and laid a wide strip of protective membrane over some new potting mix. Then through it, I planted succulents, cacti and Oleanders, all resistant to our summer heat. To finish off I spread white pebbles over the membrane. I've only had to water every other week and the membrane acted as a barrier to stop all the wind born seed sprouting up. I'm very pleased, no weeding and a quick watering - an attractive terrace border and very low maintenance!