So is "Water4Gas" the real deal?
If this is so then why are governments all around the world not
joining in the fray in support especially so considering that
delegates from the majority of countries (180) around the
globe made such a hoo-ha about attending a huge "freebie"
on how to combat global warming and carbon gas emissions
on the paradise island of Bali in Dec '07.
Just one little point here, every taxpayer in those 180 countries
has been paying tax to send those delegates to these conferences,
held in various locations annually around the world since the 1997 Kyoto meeting.
While all this talking at conferences has been going on how has it
affected most people so far; whilst fuel prices have had a dip or two
over the years we are now paying more than ever for our motoring
fuel while carbon gas emissions and global warming still go on regardless.
Cars have been around now for approx.100 years, the engine of the car has hardly changed its basic concept- that it requires either petrol or diesel to operate.
There is new technology being discovered every day in all fields:-medicine, aerospace, food manufacturing, agriculture: therefore why on earth do we not accept that the technology of the car engine moves on. Basic answer- governments and big business (the oil companies). Well on this ocassion they have one big problem that makes opposition to the water-fuel movement more difficult in that its no one person holding a patent or registered design because its all open information. It doesn't need development money as its here with us NOW.
When companies like Water4Gas can tell you for a small price how to make your own kit or you can purchase a full d-i-y kit and have it fitted for a reasonably small sum, how are the big boys going to substantiate their argument for not getting on board and for not only reducing the financial burden of owning a vehicle but also to play a major part in improving and not further destroying the enviroment of our planet.
One should not be naive and underestimate government thinking.
Who knows, if they do think that Water4Gas is the "Real Deal" they
will already be planning to make up the lost tax revenue resulting from less fuel purchased at the pumps.
The only way to win in this situation is to take advantage of the technology involved in Water4Gas and enjoy the benefits of much improved fuel consumption for your motor for years to come while making a positive contribution to the enviroment by causing less climate change through reduced gas emissions.
More detailed information on the design, installation ( no mechanical skill required) and approximate costings of the Water4Gas system can be
found at:-