ONCE Upon a Time
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
By The Crazy Guy
I buy ONCE a week.
A lottery ticket that is. I usually buy it off the man in green and yellow who calls at Bar Encuentro in Benaoján, or from the cuponera in green and yellow in the green and yellow ONCE kiosk outside the bus station in Ronda.
ONCE is of course the Organiza
ción Nacional de Ciegos Españoles, the National Blind Society. They have had a licence to run a lottery to raise funds since their formation.
Established in 1938, ONCE’s raison d’être is to provide support for sight-challenged people, in the form of training and employment. Currently, 83% of its workforce is blind or partially sighted.
The lottery offers a range of different products. There is a daily lottery, El Diario (1.50€), Euromillions on Tuesdays and Thursdays (2€), El Cuponazo on Fridays (3€), special lotteries (Loterias Especiales) and various types of scratch cards (Rascas). The special currently is for Día del Padre and costs 5€.
I’ve had several wins on El Cuponazo, but only 3€ each time. I just re-invest my winnings on the next Cuponazo.
Just ONCE, I hope to win a sizeable sum. Pigs might fly, of course!
© The Crazy Guy
Tags: ciego, Cuponazo, cuponera, Joe King, loteria, lottery, ONCE,
Published at 9:07 AM Comments (0)