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The Culture Vulture

About cultural things: music, dance, literature, theatre and local events.

Live music and theatre is back!
Sunday, November 28, 2021 @ 4:05 AM

This time of year has traditionally been a period when there is an abundance of concerts, live theatre and music gigs. In 2020 Covid-19 put paid to all that, but this year live events have re-emerged.

The Culture Vulture and his wife recently enjoyed a week or so of live music and theatre in the Serranía de Ronda. He explains.

This summer we experienced and enjoyed the following musical events:

Marcus Myers – Private party at Cortijo Perla Blanca

Marcus, from Cortes de la Frontera, provided the musical background to the launch party of this delightful boutique hotel, La Perla Blanca, in the grounds of the bodega Badman Wines. Hosted by Julian and Jody Marshall.

CABARET! Live at Teatro Espinel, Ronda

A lively and entertaining version of the Hollywood musical set in Berlin in the years leading up to the Second World War. The theatre was fully booked for the two nights it was on. Presented by the theatre group Entre Bambolinas.

Marcus Myers again!

This time at Restaurante La Cascada at Hotel Molino del Puente in Fuente de la Higuera, Ronda. On this occasion Marcus came up with a different, more subdued set, more appropriate to a fine dining experience.

Ronda International Guitar Festival, El Convento, Ronda

There were two concerts on this evening. First a presentation of baroque music played by Fernando Espi followed immediately by the Yardem Trio (Francisca López voz, Paco Seco guitarra y percusión y David Ruiz percusiones) performing Sephardic (Jewish) music. This was an absolute treat.

Followed by a delicious meal at Restaurante Las Maravillas, this was a really lovely evening.

Ronda International Guitar Festival, El Convento, Ronda

Back to El Convento for two more concerts. First up was Simone Omnis from Italy, playing guitarra clásica. Beautiful!

Then there was a change of pace and style with a presentation of guitarra flamenca by Manuel De La Luz on guitar. He was joined at the end by the singer Olivia Molina, whose voice made a powerful contrast to the guitar.

It was my wife’s 70th birthday on this day. I think she quite enjoyed it!

GREASE! Live at Teatro Espinel, Ronda

The theatre group Entre Bambolinas again. After CABARET last week Entre Bambalinas once again revolutionised the cultural panorama in Ronda. It has shown that in Ronda there is amateur theatre of the highest quality which will delight the people of Ronda for many years to come.

What a great show!

Bar Allioli, Jimera de Líbar

Another of Paul Darwent’s famous live Sunday afternoon gigs. The group was Iris Oboe Duo from Málaga City. The clue is in the name. Iris, daughter, oboeist and singer, together with father Tomás, guitarist.

As Paul Darwent would say and did, they are la puta madre. I agree totally. This is the best live act I’ve seen at Bar Allioli in ages, and all the others have been great too!

The combination of the oboe with Iris’s huge vocal range and the guitar backing of dad Tomás meant that they were able to play amazing covers of classics by Police, Queen, Amy Winehouse, the Beatles and many more, in a style heading towards blues.

What a great afternoon of live music, superb beers (try Hobson’s from England, on draught and in bottle) and wholesome food.


So, a relentless period of live music comes to an end. What a thrill! We’re so lucky down here that, despite Covid-19, we can go to live theatre and live music gigs again.

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