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The History Man

This blog contains interesting facts about the history of Spain and things Spanish.

The Worst Day in British History - 5 years on
Saturday, February 1, 2025 @ 1:33 AM

The worst day in British history?

Forget 1066 and the Norman Invasion. Forget the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London. Forget also Oliver Cromwell, the murder of Thomas Beckett, the reign of Henry VIII, the First World War, World War II and the Holocaust.

I wasn’t around to witness those events.

For me the worst day in British History was 23 June 2016 when the UK voted to leave the European Union. Based on lies promoted by Nigel Farage, then leader of UKIP, and Bojo The Clown, alias Boris Johnson.

    [Image  courtesy of Dachser]


To actually leave took another four years of flawed negotiation by Johnson, the now discredited former prime minister.

    Nigel Farage [Photo: Times Higher Education]           Boris Johnson [Photo: Heraldo de Aragón]


31 January, 2020

Five years ago on this day was the date of Brexit, the day the UK actually left the European Union. The referendum had taken place just less than four years earlier and was arguably the worst day of my life.

I stayed up all night to watch the results coming in. From a bright beginning, the first result to be declared was Gibraltar, the British protectorate off southern Spain. 98 per cent voted to remain.

It got worse from then on.

[Image courtesy of ANPE Cantabria]    


In the end the vote was: Yes 51.9%; No 48.1%


Abandonar la Unión Europea          17 410 742      51.9 %

Permanecer en la Unión Europea      16 141 241      48.1 %

Votos válidos                                    33 551 983      99.9 %

Votos no válidos o en blanco             26 033               0.1 %

Participación                                    33 578 016      72.2 %

Votantes registrados                         46 501 241      100.00 %


Fuente: BBC


Sense of loss

As a languages student, I travelled more often to the continent than within my home country.

I got to know France, Germany and Spain particularly well, but also visited Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the Soviet Union and Sweden.

So, I was a true European and, when it came to the referendum, I was a committed remainer, following prime minister David Cameron’s ill-fated decision to offer the British population a vote on the issue.

Although I am not a Conservative, I liked Cameron until he spoiled his legacy with this huge faux pas.



Map of Europe [Wikipedia]    

Five years on

And where did Brexit leave us?

“Up shit creek without a paddle”.

I find it a terrible shame that the Labour Party did not commit to re-joining the European Union or at least the Customs Union.

This has left the UK adrift between the huge European bloc of 27 countries and the pariah of a country that the USA is destined to become under president Donald J Trump, a convicted felon and all-round bad guy.


[Cartoon courtesy of Reddit]    


© The History Man

    [Image courtesy of El Periódico]



ANPE Cantabria, BBC, Dachser, El Periódico, Heraldo de Aragón, Reddit, Sky News, Times Higher Education (THE), Wikipedia



1066, 23 June 2016, 31 January 2020, ANPE Cantabria, Austria, bad guy, Belgium, Bojo The Clown, Boris Johnson, Brexit, BBC, Conservative, convicted felon, Customs Union. Czech Republic, Dachser, David Cameron, Denmark, discredited former prime minister, Donald J Trump, El Periódico, European, European bloc of 27 countries, European Union, faux pas, First World War, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Great Fire of London, Great Plague, Greece, Henry VIII, Heraldo de Aragón, History Man, Holocaust, Ireland, Labour Party, leave the European Union, Luxembourg, murder of Thomas Beckett, Norman Invasion, Netherlands, Norway, Oliver Cromwell, pariah, Portugal, Reddit, referendumre-joining the European Union, remainer, Sky News, Soviet Union, Spain, spoiled his legacy, Sweden, THE, Times Higher Education, “Up shit creek without a paddle”, UK, USA, Wikipedia, World War II, worst day in British History, 


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Martin McMerkin said:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 1:24 PM

Witnessed pre joined up EU when just to move kit from our UK office in UK to our office in Germany and back took a book full of documentation due rules and red tape compliance.

One day, that had all gone and we were able to just work.

Now that is gone, the lies exposed but we have one problem.
Politicians and to a degree most people who made that decision to leave, those who voted for it seem fixated in the "This Lady is not for Turning" mentality.

That has its place but sadly it seems applied to many other
We made a choice, it was right; I know it was right, maybe now, it seems a little wrong or not quite what we thought but we spoke and we will not show that we were duped or maybe things did not work out how we "Knew They Would".

Me, I would love the UK to return to the EU, hey, my country voted to stay. Scotland but sadly I think only a Anti Boris or a like powerful voice can sway us.
Make us think we are right again but with a totally opposite opinion.

One positive, when I visit places in Scotland, now we meet a lot more Scots working in the service industry; see proof it was the right choice, for some, long live the tourist, We Scots (No,
not little Scottish people) can now serve them our beer, sausages, Whisky, pork pies, salmon and strawberries because we cannot export it so easily anymore and we have loads.

PablodeRonda said:
Saturday, February 8, 2025 @ 9:31 PM

Hi, Martin

Your message is somewhat garbled, but I think you agree with me and wish we were still in the EU. Welcome to the club who see Brexit for the fraud that it was. Bojo the Clown, Farage and all their lily-livered acolytes should go to gaol for the lies and deceits they spun us. No, on second thoughts, exile to Elba, like Napoleon, would be far better. But no mobiles nor internet access!

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